Save The Date…

I guess you could say that I’m a “Bus It Baby!”, a student in history of those things in the past that actually worked for the good of black people – Such as the Bus Boycott.

We like to engage as a people in throwback already, so why not toss on that now vintage FUBU, the spirit of FOR US BY US mentality.

As the Centurion asked Jesus to “Speak the Word only.” Can we not do the same? Especially, of those who we’ve given the platform to speak as though they we’re doing so on our behalf.

Neither Martin or Malcolm could have risen to heights in this Nation except for the fact that they had both help and traction from the people. And they used their voices for the greater good of those people.

We’ve been indoctrinated with a false doctrine that “With great power comes great responsibility.”  However, now we’ve given the platform and the power to those who shirk the responsibility, and now say, “I got mine (from you), now get yours from the gristle.

They won’t even speak the word, let alone take action.  And we aren’t asking for money, because money won’t solve our collective problem as a people.  All we want is a level playing field. Ah ha! Therein lies the crux of the issue at hand. How can I be or proclaim myself to be great,  or even go as far to say THE GREATEST, if all things are equal?

Will Smith is going to bunje jump from a helicopter, over the Grand Canyon and could possibly lose his life on his fiftieth birthday; which is indeed his life to lose, rather than speak to his twenty million followers and say, “Don’t show up to work” on such a day. Five words that could be easily echoed by the likes of Drake, Jay Z, Kanye, and Beyonce.  Their followers combined to well over one hundred million; exponentially increased by the spread of those words.

Five little words could mean much to the people who not only support them currently but who help make their voices heard today.

Collaborations are done daily on tracks that speak hollow words – Why not collab for a the benefit of the ones who helped you get there?

No one wants your money, but we do want our own. As went the boycotts to allow you your freedom, why not call for one for our freedom?

We’ll take over from there, and those who don’t, we’ll know then who’s with us or against us. Allow the scabs to go through, we’re about non-violence, but if you don’t “not” work for the cause,  you won’t eat.

This economy has run long enough off the backs of slave labor without reparations or reward. Why not run and touch the pockets economically as they’ve done to us, to get a real seat at the table of negotiations.

The longshoremen, the garbage men, the mailmen, the lawnscapers, the ditch-diggers, journeymen, plumbers, electricians, day labor, fast food workers, cable installers, telemarketers,  salespeople, maids, nannies, caretakers, Wal-mart workers, truck drivers, warehouse workers, bus drivers and riders, housekeepers, CNA’s, Construction and Asphalt workers – (Hint, all the jobs they don’t want; and any and everyone in the workforce just doesn’t show up. Oh yeah… you too NFL, NBA and Tiger Woods and Serena Williams are included.

LA Bron can’t do it by himself and stop being upset with Mike for expanding his.

That’s our biggest challenge, putting the weight of entire race upon the backs of a few.  Once the wedge is in place, we must collectively hammer open the spread of change and not let up until we SEE change for all, not just some and NOT for just a few.

No one else wants or can do the work or entertainment that we as a people provide, why not remind them just why they brought us over here in the first place – THEY NEED US, NOT VICE VERSA.

They can’t fire us if we quit first.

Millions all walking out, on the exact same date would accomplish in less than a week, that of those individual protests would in 40 years, and could easily go unheard of or buried by the media.

“Shiggy good, prosper bad. Me Ape.” If that’s what they think, then Let’s go Apesh@t!

My calendar app is ready to SAVE THE DATE, I just pray that we don’t get stood up at the altar.
